Yesterday was my lucky day. I wasn't expecting to receive either of the umbrellas that I bought on Etsy just yet and what did I find when I got home? Not one but TWO vintage umbrellas waiting for me! I was in heaven. After ripping open the boxes I proceeded to dance around with each of the umbrellas telling each one that I thought they were gorgeous. Don't tell the beige one but my number one umbrella love is the scrolly one with the orange edge. I'm obsessed. I want to pet it and hold it and ....imagine something like the scene in Tommy Boy where Chris Farley is in a restaurant petting a roll and eventually smashes it into a million little pieces. Well I was like that with my umbrella except for the smashing it part. I love it too much to smash it. Now the hard part is that I am going to have to mutilate the beautiful umbrella. I need to removed the handle in order to hang in from my ceiling. Sigh. It makes me so sad because I would love to be seen around town on a rainy day under the most gorgeous umbrella ever known to man but really I'm a native Seattleite so when do I use an umbrella? Yeah never. Either way my beautiful umbrella love isn't made from waterproof material so using it wouldn't work anyway. Luckily the beige one does appear to be waterproof so that works out well. I can't wait to get this project completed and spend my nights falling asleep under this gorgeous thing!

During a break from dancing around with it.
Ahhh. I love you umbrella.
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