Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Vintage glassware and French 75's

My mother started collecting things for her "hope chest" before she was even a teenager. For those of you who don't know what a hope chest it's a chest that girls would put household items in for the time when hopefully they get married and need to run their own home. This practice might be a bit dated but I think it's cute. Now we generally go to college or live on our own before we get married so we end up with those items one way or another. Back when this practice was common people went from living at mom and dad's straight to being married with a place of their own. My mom started a collection of red "Moon and Star" pattern glassware as part of her hope chest and since it wasn't easy to find the collection grew slowly. This past weekend I made champagne cocktails for some of my favorite girls and I wanted something a little more special than my daily glassware to serve them. My mom said she had just the thing and she let me borrow these gorgeous glasses. I love the story behind them and the red glass makes everything seem so special and vintage. I think I might slowly have to start pilfering the rest of my mom's collection but I think she's ok with it.

 I wanted to make a cocktail with a vintage feel and when I came across this French 75 recipe I thought it was perfect. The French 75 was born in 1915 at Harry's New York bar in Paris. It is said that the drink has such a kick it feels like you are being shelled with a French artillery piece, the 75mm howitzer. Seriously, it is as powerful as it is delicious and much like your slutty friend they go down entirely too easy. The lemon juice cuts all the bite out of the gin and you are left with a seriously drinkable and highly alcoholic cocktail.

The recipe:
2 ounces dry Gin
1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon sugar (powered preferably)
5 ounces champagne

Shake the gin, lemon juice and sugar and then top it with the champagne once in the glass. Make sure to call a cab ahead of time and enjoy.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Coffee Table

Since Halloween is just around the corner I've been making periodic stops at the Ballard Goodwill looking for pieces to create my costume. Yesterday I stopped by and as usual I took a glance in the furniture section. I stumbled upon a really cute coffee table with folding sides. I love the curvy little legs and the oval shape. At the steep price of $7.99 I had to seriously think about this purchase....yeah right. I had the seats folded down in my bug and that table loaded up in about a minute.

Love how the oval shape works with the kidney shape of the couch.
Now I just have to decide on what color I want to paint it. Black is my go to but I was thinking white or gray or possibly a bright color. I've been really into bright yellow and magenta lately.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Door Handle Tie Back

The basic idea.
Recently I ran across the idea to use a vintage door handle as curtain ties backs on http://pinterest.com/. I have had curtains in my living room for oh about three years and for that entire time should I want a bit more light I pin the curtains behind the nearest chair. So while the shoving the curtains behind the chair method might work I think it's time for something slightly more official. My plan is to go to the RE Store in Ballard to find a great old door handle, get a couple screws and done. Should be pretty easy. If you have not yet discovered the RE Store it is amazing! http://www.re-store.org/index.php They have great old and vintage items for your home. Sinks, lights, doors, windows and a variety of stuff that just comes and goes. Most stuff isn't in perfect shape so you might have to paint or shine purchases up but I think it's worth it. A few years ago I scored an awesome old door with an inlaid mirror. It is still one of my favorite items in my condo.