Something about making bread is exciting to me. Maybe it's because it seems so old school and because people don't really do it anymore. Maybe it's because people are often impressed that you make your own bread. Mostly I think it's because I seriously love bread. I could eat a whole loaf of rosemary bread in one sitting I swear. And when I say making bread I'm not talking about cheating. I'm talking no bread machines or Kitchen Aid mixers. Just your ingredients and a wooden spoon. (Side note I think wooden spoons make everything taste better.)
My mom and I took a bread making class from one of the bakers at Essential Baking a few months ago and while it was fun when I went home and tried their methods it just didn't turn out right. I didn't have a pizza stone to bake it on and I don't know if I put enough water in the pan below to create good steam and then I had to spray water into the oven right before putting the bread in. Whew. Yeah this was too much work even by bread making standards. Then we discovered Jim Lahey's method of baking bread in a cast iron dutch oven. It traps the steam in the pot and creates an amazing crust like the steam injected ovens of the real commercial bakers. This is by far the easiest recipe for bread that I have ever made.
"My Bread" by Jim Lahey. (Here it is on Amazon. )
Friday, November 4, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Vintage glassware and French 75's
My mother started collecting things for her "hope chest" before she was even a teenager. For those of you who don't know what a hope chest it's a chest that girls would put household items in for the time when hopefully they get married and need to run their own home. This practice might be a bit dated but I think it's cute. Now we generally go to college or live on our own before we get married so we end up with those items one way or another. Back when this practice was common people went from living at mom and dad's straight to being married with a place of their own. My mom started a collection of red "Moon and Star" pattern glassware as part of her hope chest and since it wasn't easy to find the collection grew slowly. This past weekend I made champagne cocktails for some of my favorite girls and I wanted something a little more special than my daily glassware to serve them. My mom said she had just the thing and she let me borrow these gorgeous glasses. I love the story behind them and the red glass makes everything seem so special and vintage. I think I might slowly have to start pilfering the rest of my mom's collection but I think she's ok with it.
I wanted to make a cocktail with a vintage feel and when I came across this French 75 recipe I thought it was perfect. The French 75 was born in 1915 at Harry's New York bar in Paris. It is said that the drink has such a kick it feels like you are being shelled with a French artillery piece, the 75mm howitzer. Seriously, it is as powerful as it is delicious and much like your slutty friend they go down entirely too easy. The lemon juice cuts all the bite out of the gin and you are left with a seriously drinkable and highly alcoholic cocktail.
The recipe:
2 ounces dry Gin
1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon sugar (powered preferably)
5 ounces champagne
Shake the gin, lemon juice and sugar and then top it with the champagne once in the glass. Make sure to call a cab ahead of time and enjoy.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Coffee Table
Since Halloween is just around the corner I've been making periodic stops at the Ballard Goodwill looking for pieces to create my costume. Yesterday I stopped by and as usual I took a glance in the furniture section. I stumbled upon a really cute coffee table with folding sides. I love the curvy little legs and the oval shape. At the steep price of $7.99 I had to seriously think about this purchase....yeah right. I had the seats folded down in my bug and that table loaded up in about a minute.
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Love how the oval shape works with the kidney shape of the couch. |
Now I just have to decide on what color I want to paint it. Black is my go to but I was thinking white or gray or possibly a bright color. I've been really into bright yellow and magenta lately.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Door Handle Tie Back
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The basic idea. |
Monday, September 19, 2011
Umbrella light fixture is complete!
I bought the least expensive double bulb light fixture that I could find at Home Depot which was around $10. Since the junction box was already there in my bedroom all I had to do was get the light installed and figure out how I was going to attached the umbrella shade. My dad being ever so dad like came over and installed the light fixture for me mostly because he was scared I would electrocute myself if left to my own devices. Once we had the light in my dad came up with the incredibly smart idea of using the threaded metal piece that came with the light (which was supposed to hold up the light cover that I wasn't using). So we, and by we I mean my dad, sawed off the handle of the umbrella then epoxied the metal piece to the handle and this allowed us to screw the umbrella right into the light fixture.
And voila I now have a beautiful vintage umbrella light cover!
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Cutting off the handle. |
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Epoxying the threaded metal piece to the handle. |
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And we're done! |
Friday, August 19, 2011
Yesterday was my lucky day. I wasn't expecting to receive either of the umbrellas that I bought on Etsy just yet and what did I find when I got home? Not one but TWO vintage umbrellas waiting for me! I was in heaven. After ripping open the boxes I proceeded to dance around with each of the umbrellas telling each one that I thought they were gorgeous. Don't tell the beige one but my number one umbrella love is the scrolly one with the orange edge. I'm obsessed. I want to pet it and hold it and ....imagine something like the scene in Tommy Boy where Chris Farley is in a restaurant petting a roll and eventually smashes it into a million little pieces. Well I was like that with my umbrella except for the smashing it part. I love it too much to smash it. Now the hard part is that I am going to have to mutilate the beautiful umbrella. I need to removed the handle in order to hang in from my ceiling. Sigh. It makes me so sad because I would love to be seen around town on a rainy day under the most gorgeous umbrella ever known to man but really I'm a native Seattleite so when do I use an umbrella? Yeah never. Either way my beautiful umbrella love isn't made from waterproof material so using it wouldn't work anyway. Luckily the beige one does appear to be waterproof so that works out well. I can't wait to get this project completed and spend my nights falling asleep under this gorgeous thing!
During a break from dancing around with it.
Ahhh. I love you umbrella.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Birthday present
Have I mentioned I love flour sack towels? Well I do and I love an excuse to make something with them. My sister's birthday was last week (I know, I know) and I bought her a really cute Day of the Dead apron so I figured I should make a couple stamped towels to go with her present. I used really tiny letters to stamp LULU all the way across the towel. It just looks like a design from afar but when you look closer, I'm hoping, you can tell it's actually her name.
A closer look...
A closer look...
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Vintage Umbrella light cover
A few years ago I ran across a decorating idea using umbrellas by hanging a few of them from the ceiling. This got me thinking that it would be cool to put a light behind the them and have a light shine through the umbrellas for an interesting and unique light fixture. Well I had completely forgotten about this idea until I ran across this heavenly little thing on Etsy yesterday.

Sigh. I am in love. So I purchased this beauty last night! My plan is to get a basic bare two bulb fixture and install it in the existing junction box over my four poster bed, install 4 tiny hooks in the ceiling from which I will suspend the umbrella. Removing the handle is a necessary evil but once removed I can tie the umbrella to the hooks so it dreamily hovers just below the bare light fixture. I think the soft color of the the umbrella will cast a warm pool of light over my bed. I am so excited to receive my lastest purchase and see this project come together. Stay tuned to see the finished product.
Update: I may have also purchased this one. Once I get them I'll decide which one will become the light cover and which one will have a different use. I need help.

Sigh. I am in love. So I purchased this beauty last night! My plan is to get a basic bare two bulb fixture and install it in the existing junction box over my four poster bed, install 4 tiny hooks in the ceiling from which I will suspend the umbrella. Removing the handle is a necessary evil but once removed I can tie the umbrella to the hooks so it dreamily hovers just below the bare light fixture. I think the soft color of the the umbrella will cast a warm pool of light over my bed. I am so excited to receive my lastest purchase and see this project come together. Stay tuned to see the finished product.
Update: I may have also purchased this one. Once I get them I'll decide which one will become the light cover and which one will have a different use. I need help.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
A post on being lazy
Ok well as you can tell I haven't exactly been mainting my little blog very well. I am working on getting back into things so I thought I would make a post about projects that I've been thinking about. Out of fear for my bank account (ok maybe I'm being a bit dramatic) I took a break from looking at everyday. I have come back to the site and I am trying to just look for inspiration and the very occasional purchase. So in no particular order here are somethings that inspire me.
1. For some reason I love pillows and felt. So you can see why this project appeals to me.
The possibilities are endless. Colors, shapes, stitching, buttons or beads.
2. I have a two vintage fruit crate labels that I need to frame up. So there's another project. I just love these. They are inexpensive and colorful.
3. I have four dining chairs that I picked up at the Fremont Sunday Market years ago. My mom and I recovered the seats which was fairly easy but I think they are in need of refreshing. Perhaps a yellow and white chevron pattern like this. They would go beautifully with my recently repainted very bright yellow den.
I could really go on forever about all the projects that I ponder for my 750 sq ft condo. Recovering my couch, painting a bench I have in my bedreoom, repainting and finally putting on the already purchased beautiful bright blue pulls on my dresser, putting up black and white striped wall paper somewhere in my condo.....really for such a tiny place I have way too many things I want to do. Here's to ending my lazy streak!
1. For some reason I love pillows and felt. So you can see why this project appeals to me.
The possibilities are endless. Colors, shapes, stitching, buttons or beads.
2. I have a two vintage fruit crate labels that I need to frame up. So there's another project. I just love these. They are inexpensive and colorful.
3. I have four dining chairs that I picked up at the Fremont Sunday Market years ago. My mom and I recovered the seats which was fairly easy but I think they are in need of refreshing. Perhaps a yellow and white chevron pattern like this. They would go beautifully with my recently repainted very bright yellow den.
I could really go on forever about all the projects that I ponder for my 750 sq ft condo. Recovering my couch, painting a bench I have in my bedreoom, repainting and finally putting on the already purchased beautiful bright blue pulls on my dresser, putting up black and white striped wall paper somewhere in my condo.....really for such a tiny place I have way too many things I want to do. Here's to ending my lazy streak!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Flour Sack Towels
Friday, March 25, 2011
Vintage Stamp Project
So I mentioned in my last post but I didn't mention my outright obsession with Etsy. I love it. I need it. Etsy is fabulous. There are thousands upon thousands of vintage items on Etsy that are just waiting for me to purchase and love them. Most days I am fighting my urges to buy items from Etsy but the other day my pointer finger won out and I ended up purchasing two vintage rubber stamps. I mean just look at them. How could I possibly turn down vintage rubber stamps from a old citrus packing warehouse? That's right. I couldn't and I didn't. The stamps should be here on Monday and I can't wait. My plan is to buy a stack of flour sack towels (my favorite), some stamp pads and make some new vintage looking kitchen towels.
Here is the link to the Art Floozy's Etsy shop where I found these awesome stamps.
First Things First
I am currently in a love affair with all things vintage. To me vintage can mean antique and it can mean 'mid-century' and it definitely can be anywhere in between. Using vintage, old, garage sale and well loved items is satifiying to me. The character of items that are twice or thrice loved is generally far greater than anything you can buy brand new not to mention I really enjoy telling the story about how I came to own these certain items.
Vintage and antique items have long since been a love for me. When I was about ten my mom, sister and I drove to a family friend's cabin in Montana. Along the way we stopped in many antique stores and in one store I found a vintage metal lunch box. One of those lunch boxes that I imagine a metal worker used and carried around his ham sandwich at 20 stories high (Similar to the above one I found on Anyway I loved it and bought it. It started off as black but it was pretty beat up so I had my dad take me down to his shop in Ballard where he had a sandblaster. I put my new lunch box in the sandblaster and quickly removed all the paint. I chose silver as it's new color and in an afternoon I had a brand spanking old lunch box ready to haul my mom made lunches every day. I would venture to say I had the most interesting lunch box in my class and probably the school. So that was my start in the vintage world and still today, at the ripe old age of nearly 27, I love taking on projects where I get to mix old and new to make something that is completely me.
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